Business economics for entrepreneurs

Learn to understand the basics of business economics and get a firm grip on your company's finances. In this workshop course you'll learn how to do the bookkeeping, taxes, budgets and financial planning of your business. After the course you'll have a clear overview of the money flows in your company and be able to use that knowledge to make strategic decisions for the sustainable development of your company. 

The course is for entrepreneurs who want to understand the financial obligations of their business. 

Apart from your time and enthusiasm the course is free of charge.   

If you can picture yourself in the following this course is just right for you: 

You want to learn the fundamentals of business economics so that you can operate your business efficiently. We will give you the essential tools for administrating and controlling the finances of your business. Throughout the course you will:

  • Learn how to bookkeep your spendings and understand what can be deduced as costs. 
  • Learn about company taxation in Denmark and learn how to report VAT. 
  • Learn about budgetting and how you can use the different types of budgets for your financial decision-making.
  • Learn how to decipher financial statements, balance sheets and other financial data so that you can get an overview of the financial situation of your company.

Your guides on the journey from good idea to great business   

You'll meet Adrian Ursu, Sissi Bak and Narcis George Matache who have a deep and thorough knowledge of business economics, accounting, Danish tax and VAT regulations, business administration and business development. 


Skemalagte aktiviteter

09.00 - 12.00
Workshop 1: Introduction to bookkeeping
09.00 - 12.00
Arsenalet, Kasernevej 8-10, 8800 Viborg
09.00 - 12.00
Workshop 2: Mastering value added tax (VAT)
09.00 - 12.00
Arsenalet, Kasernevej 8-10, 8800 Viborg
09.00 - 12.00
Workshop 3: Strategic budgetting
09.00 - 12.00
Arsenalet, Kasernevej 8-10, 8800 Viborg
09.00 - 12.00
Workshop 4: Financial planning and taxation
09.00 - 12.00
Arsenalet, Kasernevej 8-10, 8800 Viborg


Tilmelding slutter
23-10-2024 00.00


Ian Norman

NextStep/Business Boost-vejleder
Business Viborg