How to start a business in Denmark - intro to Danish business law

Starting a business in Denmark? Get an overview of Danish business law and all the legal matters that you must understand when starting a business here. 

The workshop course is tailored to internationals living in Denmark who want to start a business. 

Apart from your time and enthusiasm the course is free of charge.  

If you can picture yourself in the following this course is just right for you: 

You have a business idea and you are on the verge of starting a business in Denmark. You want to know more about the legal aspects of establishing and operating a company. You want to make sure that your future business is compliant with Danish law. During 2 workshops we will walk you through the most important parts of the Danish business law. The course will cover:

  • How to register your company and which company form to choose.
  • Important agreements such as ownership and rental agreements.
  • Insurance, GDPR and laws related to marketing and sales.
  • How to protect your idea through patents, copyright, and Non-Disclosure Agreements.  

You will have plenty of opportunities to ask questions during the workshops. After the workshop course you will know how to establish your business in Denmark.

Your guide on the journey from good idea to great business provides legal consultancy for entrepreneurs and small and medium sized businesses. Since 2016 they have helped hundreds of small businesses so they have a good understanding of the situtation that you are in and the questions that you have. 

Skemalagte aktiviteter

16.00 - 19.00
Workshop 1: Intro to Danish business law
16.00 - 19.00
Aktiviteten foregår online.
16.00 - 19.00
Workshop 2: Danish business law continued
16.00 - 19.00
Aktiviteten foregår online.


Tilmelding slutter
24-09-2024 12.00


Frederik Kirst Müntzberg

Frederik Kirst Müntzberg

Erhvervshus Hovedstaden S/I